Historical information

Photograph: from left, John Brumby, Frank Sheehan, Robyn Mason and Norm Borchers.

Launch of the ALP state campaign in 1996 at Begonia House, Ballarat Botanical Gardens. Ballarat Botanical Gardens is located near Lake Wendouree, Ballarat.

John Brumby was the 45th Premier of Victoria from 2007-2010. At the time of the photo, he was leader of the opposition.

Frank Sheehan was the state member for Ballarat South, serving from 1982-1992.

Robyn Mason was a member of the ALP and unsuccessfully contested the seat of Ballarat West in 1996. She was a feminist and a social worker who fought hard for those affected by sexual abuse and violence. Robyn Mason passed away in 2016.

Norm Borchers passed away in 2008. Borchers was a Club President of the Sebastopol Lions Club (1975-76). He worked for the railways as an engineering employee and was long-term trade unionist (Amalgamated Engineering Union and the Australian Railways Union) and ALP member; he lived and worked in the Ballarat area. Norm was active in workplace disputes during the ALP split in 1955. He was a long time supporter of Ballarat Trades Hall.

Physical description
