Leisure object - Board Game, Gloria Mosaic, c.1927

Historical information

The Kew Historical Society’s collection includes a wide range of leisure objects. Many of the items are European-made, generally of British origin, however there are a number that were made for the Australian market by Australian manufacturers. In the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries, there were large numbers of games produced for children and adults. These included: arcade games, board games, playing cards and puzzles. A representative sample, many now rare survivors, can be found in the collection.

Physical description

Children's table game. Probably made in Germany c.1926. On the box is "Ges.Gesch" which is German for trademark registered. The box includes patterns and multicoloured glass marbles. The aim of the game is to arrange the beads in the holes of the pattern. The box pictures four children playing the game.
There can be two aims to the game - the first to clear the board of all the pieces and the second to try and position the pieces into a specific pattern. The playing surface is a special board and set of pegs or marbles made of ivory, bone, wood and later plastic. The traditional French board is octagonal and has 37 holes to accomodate the same number of pegs. the traditional English board is circular and has 33 holes or hollows, usually to accomodate the same number of marbles (33). Often there is a channel running around the outer edge to hold eliminated pieces. Some games required all the pieces, others only a certain number. The pieces are positioned before the start of the game.

Inscriptions & markings

Box cover: "Gloria Mosaic. Ges.Gesch"

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