Framed photograph, Jack McINTOSH

Historical information

Image of Frederick James "Jack" McIntosh VX34544 who served with the 2/24th Infantry Battalion during the Second World War He was born on the 9th May 1905 at Beechworth. He joined the Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch in 1946. He was Vice President for 15 years and in 1963 attained Life Membership of the RSL


McINTOSH joined the Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch in 1946. He was Vice President for 15 years. As Chairman of the Building Committee he was mainly responsible for many improvements to the clubrooms. In 1963 he was presented with his Life Membership Badge by Sir Charlies McKay, then President of the Victorian Branch.

Physical description

Timber framed photograph of male in suit.

Inscriptions & markings

enlisted in the 2/24th Inf. Battalion in 1943. Joined Wangaratta Sub-Branch in 1946. Jack was given his life membership in 1963 .

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