Document - Framed Certificate, Private Sidney PLUM

Historical information

Borough of Wangaratta Certificate of Thanks and Apppreciation presented to Private Sydney Spencer Plum. 3431 1st Pioneer Battalion A.I.F, Born January 3rd 1894 at Dockers Plains. Father's name Albert F Plum. Mother's name Mary Plum. He was educated at North Wangaratta and Docker's Plains State School. He was a blacksmith when he enlisted June 12th 1915. He trained at Flemington Racecourse and embarked on SS "Nestor" October 11th 1915. He fought in battles; Peronne, Cambrai, Somme. Being wounded 3 times. He embarked for home per SS "Orontes"; disembarked January 28th 1919 and was discharged March 16th 1919. Later, he entered the service of the Victorian Railways Department.


Oak framed certificates were presented by the Borough of Wangaratta to the relatives of soldiers killed in action and returned soldiers who enlisted from the Borough during the First World War. These ceremonies were well attended by the local communities and held at intervals when the soldiers and nurses returned home from active service.

Physical description

Burgandy wooden frame with sand coloured mounting of a certificate of thanks and appreciation from Borough of Wangaratta to Pte Sidney S PLUM. At the top of the certificate, it has the Australian and Union Jack flags entwined over some wattle. At the bottom it has the rising sun surrounded by a wreath with two crossed rifles underneath. To the bottom right there is a large red leather seal. Mounted beneath the certificate is a black plaque.
On the back is a typed history of S.Plum.

Inscriptions & markings

Plaque is inscribed: 3451A Pte Sydney Spencer Plum. 1st Pioneer Battalion A.I.F. Served 12/6/1915 to 16/3/1919. Peronne, Cambrai and Somme. Born 3/1/1894 - Died 25/7/1958.
Certificate: For King & Empire, Borough of Wangaratta. The Mayor, Councillors, and Ratepayers of the Borough of Wangaratta hereby place on record their Thanks and Appreciation for the conduct of S.S.Plum who served his King and Country in the Great War, which commenced 4th August 1914. In Witness Whereof the Corporate Seal of the Municipality is hereto attached in the presence of Mayor, Town Clerk. He answered his country's call.
D.W Patterson Co PTY LTD 495 Collins St Melb

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