Equipment - Mortar Sight

Physical description

Large green coloured metal case with canvas carry strap containing 3 INCH Mortar Sight MK2

Inscriptions & markings

Outside: Case No 2 MK 2 C.M. 1019. A.
Distinctive Products Pty Ltd
When replacing sight in case
SET Sight Lensatic to Horizontal & Zero, Dial Plate to Zero, Drum to Max. Range
INSIDE: Contents of case
Sight 3" Mortar Mk. 2
Sight S.B 4.2 Mortar MK. 3
Screwdriver No 7 Director
Mk 2/L. (W/O cord, disc or eye)
Thimbles, Luminous, Mk. 1. X 3
Bubble, spirit, cased, no.10 MK.1


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