Letter - Letter and Life Summary, W. T. BYRNE

Historical information

1.Photocopy of letter dated 24/12/1914 handwritten by William Thomas Byrne of Docker's Plain whilst at training camp - 3rd light horse brigade train - to his sister.
2.Photocopy of brief summary of W.T.Byrne's life to when he was discharged in 1918 - photocopied from Docker Plains School Honor Book
William Thomas BYRNE was born on 21/9/1890 at Docker Plains to William and Johanna Byrne. He was educated at Docker Plains and Wangaratta State schools. A farmer when he enlisted on 13/10/1914. He trained at Broadmeadows and embarked on Hororata on 17/4/1915. He served with the 3rd Light Horse and 12th and/or 27th ASC - Army Service Corps as a Driver.


Newspaper article dated 7/11/2003 states letter was found inside second hand book and the writer of the letter identified as the uncle of local Wangaratta resident and historian Bill O'Callaghan. The letter written prior to embarking overseas was addressed to Mrs Connell Ford Street Wangaratta but intended for his sister Nora, a Nun at Brigidine Convent, Albert Park.

Physical description

Photocopy of handwritten letter and life history summary in black ink on white paper

Inscriptions & markings

3rd Light Horse Brigade train 24/12/14

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