Newspaper article, 'Why Another College?', The Herald, 1962, 1962

Historical information

"Why Another College?", The Herald, 28 November 1962.

"With the opening of Bialik College Appeal this week it may be appropriate to ask why the appeal is being made to the community and what the college expects to contribute to the community in the future. After all Melbourne already has Mount Scopus College taking children from all over Melbourne and four or five other Jewish day schools in a system which is already one if not the best for a community of its size in the world. One of the most important answers to the question is that none of the existing primary schools, not even Mount Scopus, really serves the Jewish educational needs of primary school children in the northern and eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Even children in these suburbs attending Mount Scopus College spend several hours a day travelling and are thus deprived of valuable time for study, play or other extra curricular activities...."

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