Functional object - Alarm Clock

Historical information

This clock is an example of an early "Big Ben" alarm clock, a well-known brand produced by Westclox since the early 20th century. Given the "Made in England" marking and the retailer's name "James McClean & Co., Melbourne," this clock was likely imported for sale in Australia. Its worn and aged appearance suggests it was well-used, possibly dating back to the early-to-mid 20th century. Such clocks were common household items, used for waking up before the widespread use of electric alarm clocks.

Physical description

The item is a round, metal-cased alarm clock with a glass front. The face of the clock has large, bold black numerals on a white background that has yellowed with age. There are three hands: an hour hand, a minute hand, and a smaller dial at the top indicating the alarm function. The clock has a small round button or knob on the top, likely for adjusting the alarm, and it stands on two small, angled feet, with a third support at the back.

Inscriptions & markings

The clock face has the text "BIG BEN" prominently displayed. Below this, the manufacturer or retailer’s name, "JAMES McCLEAN & CO. MELBOURNE", is printed. The bottom of the clock face also has "MADE IN ENGLAND", indicating its country of origin.

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