Historical information

One of several illustrated envelopes, without letter, sketched by soldier/s during second world war and sent to Mrs McDonald of Wangaratta


Victoria's 2/24th Infantry Battalion was raised in Wangaratta in July 1940. They were welcomed with open arms by the local community as they rapidly built up their numbers. The people of Wangaratta adopted the Battalion and they became known as "Wangaratta's Own" because of the time the battalion spent in the town during its formative period prior to deployment overseas. Many of the soldiers maintained life long friendships with the people of Wangaratta. Even though the Battation was disbanded in 1946 members and their families return each year, in November, for a commemorative service at the 2/24th Battalion Memorial Wall at the Wangaratta Cemetery.

Physical description

Cream paper envelope with sketch of full moon over water and palm trees - to the left of this outline in blue of map of Australia with red shield in centre

Inscriptions & markings

Top left - AIR MAIL above The Salvation Army Red Shield War Services
Top right - postage stamp
Left side - AIF Censor stamp
Bottom left - " A Merry Christmas to you all"
Right side Mrs M McDonald "Monald" 32 Grey Street Wangaratta Victoria Australia
