Container - Milk Bottle, Nursery Milk Bottle : Kennedy & Sons, Kew, Twentieth century

Historical information

Kennedy and sons, Roselea Dairy operated in Kew (<1930-1945>). In 1945 Thomas Kennedy, Michael Kennedy and Patrick John Kennedy traded as Kennedy and sons, Roselea Dairy at 80 Pakington St, Kew. (Victorian Government, 07 December 1945). Tom Kennedy, Jnr, and his wife, Lucy, lived at 109 Pakington St Kew. Tom Kennedy Jnr. died 02 November 1963. Lucy Kennedy died 28 November 1987.
Breach of an Injunction.
A Supreme Court writ has been issued by Thomas Kennedy, sen., Thomas Kennedy, jun., Patrick John Kennedy, and Michael Kennedy, trading as Kennedy and Sons, Rose Lea Dairy, against Gordon Allberry Shepherdly, of Barnard street, North Kew, milk-carter, claiming an injunction and damages. Plaintiffs carry on business at Pakington street. Kew, and Melville street, Hawthorn, and they claim In their writ an injunction restraining the defendant from soliciting or endeavouring to obtain the custom of people who were customers of plaintiffs when Shepherdly was employed by them under an agreement dated March 13 1928. Plaintiffs also claim damages. Mr Read (instructed by Messrs. Moule, Hamilton, and Derham) appeared for plaintiffs before Mr. Justice Macfarlan in the Practice Court yesterday, to ask for an order for the committal of Shepherdly to prison, or alternatively, for an order that plaintiffs be at liberty to Issue a writ of attachment against him for contempt of court in soliciting or endeavouring to obtain the custom of plaintiffs' customers. The affidavits set out that Shepherdly was employed by plaintiffs from March I3, 1928. until June 6. 1930. An Interlocutory injunction had been granted pending trial of the action for a permanent injunction. Shepherdly, who appeared in person yesterday, said that he had a sick wife and two children. He had not served any of the customers referred to since the granting of the injunction. He had passed them over to another man for whom he was working. Mr Justice Macfarlan - In doing that you have committed a breach of the injunction, and I have no alternative but to order that you be sent to gaol. I will make an order that you be committed to prison until further order of the Court. I will direct, however, that the order be not executed until Tuesday next. If you can then satisfy the Court that you have ceased to serve, or take any part in serving, the customers of Kennedy and Sons, the order will not be executed. (The Argus, 11 July 1930)


Rare, if damaged milk bottle from an historic Kew dairy

Physical description

Milk bottle produced for and retailed by Kennedy & Sons Kew. The dairy operated under various names, and at one stage was described as the Rose Lea Dairy. The dairy was situated on the corner of Eglinton and Pakington Streets, Kew.

Inscriptions & markings

"Kennedy & Sons / Kew / Nursery Milk / This bottle is the property of T.Kennedy & Sons, Kew/ and cannot be legally used by others."

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