Historical information

This photograph was taken by Karl Duldig when he and Slawa visited Slawa's sister Rella Laisne in Paris in 1968. They went to Paris as part of a world trip on the occasion of the unveiling of Karl's sculptural monument, Dawn, at the Maccabiah Village, Ram Gat, Israel. Commissioned by Hakoah and World Maccabi Union his monument commemorates the sportsmen and women of Hakoah Sports Club who were among the victims in the Holocaust. Karl had played for Hakoah in his youth.


This is one of a large collection of photographs taken by sculptor Karl Duldig, documenting his art, life and family. The collection is of historical and aesthetic significance as a personal record of the work, cultural and social milieu of an Austro- Australian sculptor and his family from the early to late 20th century. it is also a record and representative of the experience of those people who came to Australia at this time, displaced by the upheavals of the Second World War.