Historical information

This is a biography of the life and times of Sir Stanley Savige. Growing up, the army, civilian life and Legacy.
It was written by WB Russell who was commissioned by Legacy to compile to book.


A story of a man, not born to privilege or wealth, who rose to the rank of Lieutenant General in the Australian Army and established a charity organisation, MELBOURNE LEGACY. Legacy gives to the community, help for those families of deceased service personnel in times of need.

Physical description

Paper dust cover depicting Sir Stanley Savige travelling in an open vehicle. Cover, colour red, rectangular shape.
Title: There Goes A Man, printed in white.
Author: W.B.Russell, printed in Black.
The Biography of Sir Stanley G. Savige, printed in white.
The Spine is as above, Longmans printed in white at the bottom of The Spine.
The back, the word Longmans and Longmans logo.
Pages, white colour and black type. Maps and Photos.

Inscriptions & markings

The Spine,title, There Goes A Man.
The Biography of Sir Stanley Savige.
W.B. Russell.
All of the above printed in black.