Photograph - Image, Illawarra Bowling Association Annual Champion

Historical information

Known as the Illawarra Tigers, all the bowlers in the team were legally blind, and with the support of staff and volunteers, competed against sighted players and participated in local bowls competitions.

Illawarra Bowling Association Annual Champion
Donated by Illawarra Community Centre

Associates: 86/87 Marj Cameron, 87/88 Y Lawrence, 88/89 Lucy Docherty, 89/90 Dulcie David, 90/91 Llona Smith, 91/92 Llona Smith, 92/93 Llona Smith, 93/94 Carol Myers
Mens: 86/87 Les Walker, 87/88 Jack Shearn, 88/89 Keith Spendlove, 89/90 Dennis McKenna, 90/91 Hec Stephenson, 91/92 Keith Spendlove, 92/93 Dudley Roberts, 93/94 Dudley Roberts
Aggregate: 86/87 Hec Stephenson, 87/88 Kath Jones, 88/89 Lucy Docherty, 89/90 Charles Coles, 90/91 Anne Stewart, 91/92 Bob McLeod, 92/93 Glad Trait, 93/94 Archie Maclean
Mixed Pairs: 87/88 Lucy Docherty, Dennis McKenna, 88/89 Margo Stewart, Hec Stephenson, 89/90 Lillian Fowler, Jack Shearn, 90/91 Llona Smith, Jack Sutton, 91/92 Lillian Fowler, Keith Spendlove, 92/93 Glad Trait, Dennis McKenna
Mens Pairs: 93/94 Dudley Roberts, Jurek Wroblewski

Physical description

Picture of wooden board with engraved names of the Annual Champion for the Illawarra Bowling Association

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