Physical description

00151.1 Black and white photo of US WW2 Fighter Aircraft. 4 bladed prop.
00151.2 “. “. “. “. Australian soldiers by Anti Aircraft gun smoking.
00151.3. “. “. “. ‘ Pointing the gun upwards.
00151.4. “. “. “. “. Holding the round- 3 soldiers in the photo.
00151.5. “. “. “. “. Sighting the gun.
00151.6. “. “. “. “. US Fighter with 3 bladed prop.
00151.7. “. “. “. “. Aiming the gun upwards.
00151.8. “. “. ‘. ‘. Soldier changing gun elevation.
00151.9. ‘. “. “. “. Catalina Flying Boat.
00151.10. “. “. “. “. Twin seater aircraft.