Photograph, Anzac Day 1973, 1973

Historical information

00391.1 Photograph of a group of men, led by President Geoff Handbury, marching behind a Legacy Banner nearing the corner of Swanston St and Flinders Lane, Melbourne en route to the Shrine of Remembrance for ANZAC Day 1973. 1973 was the Golden Jubilee Year when Legacy celebrated their 50th anniversary. It appears they needed approval from the RSL to march on Anzac Day.
00391.2 Photo of part of the group of men marching.
00391.3 Photo of part of the group of men marching closer up.
00391.2 and 00391.3 came from a Legacy envelope marked "P1" in red pen, with assorted photos of major events such as 1973 Federal Conference, 1983 Morwell, 1973 Legacy march Anzac Day, 50 year celebration inclusion in Anzac Day March, with authority of RSL (some are items 00440 to 00442).


A record of Legacy marching in an ANZAC Day parade on the 50th anniversary of Legacy.

Physical description

Black and white photo x 3 of Legatees marching along St Kilda Road.

Inscriptions & markings

Handwritten 'Legacy Contingent Anzac Day 1973' in blue pen, 'The Legacy contingent at the 1973 Anzac Day March in Melbourne. The group of ex-servicemen is led by the Legacy President, Mr Geoff Handbury.' in black pen, stamped 'Property of Melbourne Legacy' in purple ink, on the first photo of the entire march.
Handwritten 'ANZAC Day 25 April 1973' in blue pen on reverse of the close up photos.

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