Historical information

Photos taken at the 13th Annual Widows' Art and Craft Exhibition held at Legacy House in 1994. The note with the photos says: "The quality and ingenuity of the arts and crafts entered were outstanding and quite a daunting task for the judge, Mrs Janice Bridges". Photos show President George Woodward speaking, other names are not known.
This was an Annual Art and Craft Exhibition that was run by the widows club. The items could be sold at trading tables and at the table outside Legacy House during Badge Week in September to raise funds. There were craft afternoons throughout the year for widows to learn new skills and gather together at Legacy House.
These regular meetings, fetes and workshops provided important opportunities for widows to meet, socialise and be active


A record of the type of activities the Legacy widows participated in. Craft days throughout the year provided times to gather together and socialise. The Art and Craft Exhibition gave them a chance to show off their talent. Items were sometimes sold in the stall outside Legacy House in Badge Week to raise money for Legacy.

Physical description

Colour photos x 10 of a widows craft exhibition and President George Woodward in 1994.