Historical information

Photos of a Legacy event or outing to trout farm in the Alexandra Yea area in 1978 - a mix of men and women with fishing rods. Names are unknown other than President David Carter in the brown shirt. Similar photos are in a photo album at 00013 labelled as 'Alexandra/Yea 1978'.
The Comradeship committee gathered photos of events and compiled them in a Comradeship photo album for Legatees to look through. These photos may have fallen out of the album.


A record of an enjoyable outing of Legatees. The Comradeship photo album was put together by the Comradeship committee and records events that Legatees did and places they lived or visited. Some appear to be trips to visit other Legatees living overseas and social occasions held in different places. It shows the bond that Legatees have with each other and their desire to socialise together.

Physical description

Colour photos x 6 of Legatees at a trout farm.