Historical information

Photo of President John Sullivan holding the Legacy Torch with a group of children in yellow Legacy T shirts at the Eternal Flame at the Shrine of Remembrance on 1 September 1991. From an article in Melbourne Legacy Widows' Newsletter in September 1991 it is a photo of a special torch relay. To coincide with the Annual Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Remembrance over 50 runners covered a 25 kilometre distance from War Grave Memorial in Springvale to the Shrine. President John Sullivan accepted the Legacy torch from the young runners before leading the Legacy family into the Shrine. (From the same roll of film as the event in City Square (00491) and a Legacy dinner with President Sullivan at the head table (00492). More photos are at 01612.


A record of children participating in a torch relay during Legacy week ending at the Eternal Flame.

Physical description

Colour photo of President Sullivan and children at the Eternal Flame in 1991.