Historical information

A letter that was sent to potential members of a new club being formed in Melbourne in September 1923. The text of the letter includes;
'The inaugural luncheon of the proposed Remembrance Club will be held at Anzac House at 1pm on Tuesday next 25th inst.
You are urged to be present and the promoters would appreciate the presence of any ex-AIF friend you care to bring with you.'
The Remembrance Club in Melbourne later became Legacy.
The notation H1 in red pen shows that it was part of the archive project that was trying to capture the history of Legacy. Hence the notation of being forwarded from Legatee Kemsley to Anderson in 1969.


This is one of the first documents that pertain to the Remembrance Club - later becoming Legacy.

Physical description

File copy of a letter about the inaugural meeting of the Remembrance Club in Melbourne.

Inscriptions & markings

Handwritten H1 in red pen. Signed 'JP Hiller'(?) in black ink.
Notation added later 'To L/ AN Kemsley, from LK Anderson 25/6/1969' from when it was added to archive.
