Photograph, 75th Anniversary of Legacy, 1998

Historical information

Legacy 75th Anniversary ceremony at the Shrine. Photos show the official party on the dais listening to the speakers, the military band playing and a choir singing, and the crowd facing the Shrine. The official party includes Tom Butcher the President of Legacy and Sir James Gobbo the Governor of Victoria.
A post-it note says "75th Anni Com Serv Sun 4th Oct"


A record of a ceremony at the Shrine for the 75th Anniversary in 1998.

Physical description

Colour photo x 7 of a ceremony at the Shrine for the 75th Anniversary.

Inscriptions & markings

Printing on the back " 163" which is the negative frame number and film number, so they from the same film. (frame numbers 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12).
Label on 00519.1 says "75th Anniversary Memorial Service at Shrine of Remembrance".

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