Historical information

On 19 July 1907, The Box Hill Reporter published an article on the Miniature Rifle Range. It stated: "Miniature Rifle Range for Kew. The Kew rifle club has made arrangements for the establishment of a miniature rifle range. The Kew borough council has provided a site in the yard at the rear of the town hall, fronting Brougham street. The site has been inspected by the military authorities, who have approved of the locality selected and the arrangements to be made to render the range absolutely safe. The plans are at present being prepared, and it is expected that the range will be completed within the next two months. The range will be under the direct control of the rifle club, subject to the supervision of a joint committee from the council and the club. The first committee will consist of Crs Wishart (mayor), Kellett, and Hiscock as representing the council, and Captain Argyle and Mr S. Abbott representing the rifle club. The range when completed will be available for the use of cadets, friendly societies, and other miniature rifle clubs in the district. Miniature rifle ranges are now occupying a great deal of attention in Great Britain, on the Continent, and in America. Lord Roberts, writing recently on the subject, remarks- "While I do not for a moment pretend that miniature rifle shooting is, in all respects, as useful as knowing how to shoot on a long range, I am satisfied that men can learn to shoot on miniature ranges, and that unless miniature ranges are very generally made use of, the greatest majority in this country will never learn to shoot at all." It is possible by this means also to divert the at present dangerous enthusiasm of uninstructed youths for the pea rifle into safer and more useful channels."


Important early document identifying the specifications for a miniature rifle range in central Kew. Rifle clubs and rifle ranges were an important element in defending Victorians and Australians to outside threats.

Physical description

Single page plan (folded), created and approved in 1910, listing the approved specifications for a miniature rifle range in Brougham Street, Kew.

Inscriptions & markings

Handwritten signature: J.M. / Staff officer for Works Victoria / 26-2-10