Essay - Framed essay, Catalina Flying Boat

Historical information

Document relates to item 199 - Watercolour painting of a Catalina Flying Boat by an unknown artist -tells the history of the Catalina Flying Boat as well as the service histories of Flight Lieutenant Owen Mortimer and his younger brother Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Reginald Roy Mortimer from West Wyalong, New South Wales who served from 1941 to 1945 - relatives of the Donor Dr Owen Campbell Mortimer.
Flight Lieutenant Owen Mortimer completed 85 missions in the wartime South West Pacific area. Reginald Mortimer served as a Transport Driver with the Australian Army later remustering to the RAAF to train and qualify as Flight Sergeant Air Gunner.

Physical description

Black frame with gold painted inner edge containing cream coloured paper with black text.

Inscriptions & markings

Catalina Flying Boat
Royal Australian Air Force

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