Photograph - Photo, Legacy Appeal 2004, Selling Badges, September 2004
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School students volunteering their time to sell badges
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PUblic relations officer Carmel McConnell and two other badge sellers with President McKenzie
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Photos during Badge Week in September 2004. Various badge sellers around Melbourne, some of them in Navy uniforms or school uniforms and one photo includes President George MacKenzie. The sailor is from HMAS Cerberus.
A record of the fundraising for the Legacy Appeal in 2004.
Physical description
Colour photo x 4 of various badge sellers in Badge week.
Inscriptions & markings
Printed on the back " Clarendon Photos 0587" which is the frame numbers and place of processing. Negative numbers 1A, 4A, 6A, 9A (see also 0699, 00700, 00702, 00703, 00704, 00705).