Photograph - Legacy Appeal 2005, Parliament House Event, 2005

Historical information

A Legacy function at Queen's Hall, Parliament House, Melbourne. Geoff Webb is president and Ron Barassi is a guest. (See also 00734)
00735.1 Robert Doyle, Legatee Geoff Webb, unknown and John So (Lord Mayor of Melbourne 2001-2008).
00735.2 President Geoff Webb with 3 others (far right is Legatee David McLachlan).
00735.3 Ron Barassi with two others. Ron Barassi was helped by Legacy after his father, Corporal Ronald James Barassi, was killed in action at Tobruk in 1941, aged 27
00735.4 A man making a speech.
00735.5 Legatee Geoff Webb making a speech.
00735.6 A man in uniform making a speech.
00735.7 Legatee Trevor Parker making a speech.
00735.8 The young man making a speech.
00735.9 A large group photo including legatees and some staff, Geoff Webb, Carmel, Dulcie Cedaro, Denis Millic, David Cull
00735.10 the young man and Legatee James Mulholland.


A record of a function for Legatees.

Physical description

Colour photo x 10 of guests at a Legacy function.

Inscriptions & markings

Printing on the back " Clarendon Photos 1503" which is the negative frame number and film number (frame numbers 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 22).

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