Photograph - Photo, The Age, 1960

Historical information

Two photos about the donation of a special bottle of King's Ale to Legacy that was to be auctioned to raise money for Legacy Week in 1960. A newspaper clipping about the event explains the story. In 1902 a special brew of ale was made by King Edward VII. In 1960 a bottle of the ale turned up in Melbourne and was donated to Legacy by Mr A W Taylor of 'Old Tin Shed' a motor accessories firm.
The photo shows Executive Officer Ivan Layton, Mr A W Taylor and Legatee George Cowan.


A record of an unusual donation in Legacy Week in the 1960s.

Physical description

Black and white photo x 2 of Kings Ale for Legacy Week 1960.

Inscriptions & markings

00789.1 Handwritten in black pen: "L. to R. / Ivan Layton / Mr A. W. Taylor (of "Old Tin Shed") donor of Ale / George Cowan / Legacy Week 1960" Hand written in blue pen "('Age')".
00789.2 Handwritten in black pen "Legacy Week 1960 / Verse with King's Ale". Hand written in blue pen "('Age')".

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