Letter - Document, letter, Melbourne Legacy, 1969

Historical information

Legatee J.R. Hall has written to the Hon Secretary Legatee E.P. Evans regarding the price paid for dinners by Legatees not being sufficient to meet the cost of the dinner. 'The money has to come from somwhere!' Legatee Evans letter to Legatee J.R. Hall is one of support for Legatee Halls' suggestion to overcome the problem.


An example of Legatees resolving problems through formal, documented letters.

Physical description

White foolscap letter on letterhead and yellow foolscap file copy of a letter.

Inscriptions & markings

00836.1 Letter 31st July, 1969, letterhead, blue Legacy symbol top left hand corner.
00836.2 Letter 15th July 1969 is a copy of the original letter.

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