Historical information
This manual coffee grinder likely dates from the late 19th to early 20th century, a period when household coffee grinding was common before pre-ground coffee became widespread. Made in Wolverhampton, an industrial hub in England known for metal goods and domestic wares, this type of grinder was exported to colonies and used in rural households across Australia. It would have been a key kitchen tool for ensuring fresh coffee and reflects both domestic routines and international trade in manufactured goods of the era.
Physical description
A vintage tabletop manual coffee grinder, manufactured in Wolverhampton, England. The grinder features a square wooden base housing a drawer for collecting ground coffee, topped by a metal grinding mechanism. At the top sits a ceramic or enamelled bowl-shaped hopper (white interior, rusted rim), used to hold coffee beans. A central vertical shaft connects to a large, curved cast iron crank handle with a turned wooden grip (now missing or replaced). The grinder shows significant wear, rust, and patina from age and use, especially on the iron components.
A circular maker's badge or emblem is present on the front face, partially obscured by age and corrosion.
Inscriptions & markings
"MANUFACTURERS Wolverhampton"