Historical information

These photos were saved with a label saying "Veterans Health week '96" which is an awareness campaign from the Department of Veterans Affairs. From an article in The Answer in December 1996, the motto of the week was "Enjoying Life" and over 80 events were held in Victoria. these photos are from "the annual Veterans' Health Week Afternoon Tea Dance. Three hundred people danced in style to the music of the Mellow Tones, filling the dance floor every dance. During a delicious afternoon tea, Melbourne Legacy Line Dancers demonstrated their fun style of dancing and encouraged everyone to join them."


A record of an event for widows and a way of keeping them active and of the relationship with the Department of Veterans' Affairs.

Physical description

Colour photo x 2 of widows line dancing in Veterans Health Week.

Inscriptions & markings

Handwritten on the back '2' in red pen.
