Historical information

A photo of Jack Geoghegan holding the violin that is part of Melbourne Legacy's collection (see 00080) at The Shrine. The photo appeared in an article in The Age in 1989. One photo also appeared in the President's Highlights report in 1989. The caption of that photo says, 'Pensive thoughts for ex-prisoner of Changi Prison, Jack Geohegan when, as a guest of Melbourne Legacy, he was reunited with a very special possession kept in Legacy's care. Jack, whose signature is one of many, had not seen the violin since his days at Changi.'
Background: This violin was played by VX30301 Dvr Roy Arnel, as a member of the Australian Imperial Force Concert Party, in the Changi POW camp, Singapore from 1942-1945. It is claimed that the violin, in its case was thrown over the wall by a Chinese civilian.
Roy Arnel, a South African by birth enlisted on 7 June 1940 at Royal Park, Melbourne and served with 2 AASC Company as a driver. He was captured by the Japanese Imperial Army at the fall of Singapore in February 1942.
There was more than one concert party in Changi as indicated on the rear of the violin. The details of the Dutch, British and American Concert Parties scratched in to the varnish.
There are some well-known names scratched into the violin including: The English author and cartoonist, Ronald Searle; Australian entertainer, Frank Rich; and Australian Author, Russell Braddon. Mr Arnel died in 1982 and the violin was presented to Melbourne Legacy for preservation, safe keeping and display by his widow Mrs Florence Arnel in 1983.


A record of a poignant reunion, Jack Geoghegan knew the violin while in Changi Prison and posed for photos on the Shrine to tell the story in The Age.

Physical description

Black and white photo x 3 of the Changi Violin at The Shrine