Letter, Biography of Sir Stanley Savige, 1957

Historical information

Series of documents recording the second progress payment to W.B. Russell for writing 'There Goes a Man', his signed receipt, outline of progress and the way in which the first progress payment was used. He notes four main fields of activity - sifting and arranging Savige's own records, interviewing friends and relatives, background reading (newspapers etc.), and making notes from interviews and source material. Most of the first progress payment was directed to reimbursement of salary lost whilst working full time on the book.


Part of the story of how the book 'There goes a Man' came to be created.

Physical description

Typed documents, black on white. Stamp Duty stamp fixed to 00903.2.

Inscriptions & markings

00903.2 Signed and dated in blue ink 'W.B.Russell 9-8-57'
00903.3 Signed 'W.B. Russell' in blue ink, pencilled annotations: "Wilf, Thank you. Just like (illegible)! 13.viii.57' 'Read to J.G. Gillespie 14/8/57'

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