Photograph, Centenary Dinner Dance, Kew Civic Hall, 1960

Historical information

Original photograph of the Kew Centenary Ball in the new Kew Civic Hall in 1960. The photograph formed part of the collection of WHS Dickinson and was presented to the Kew Historical Society by his daughter in 2018.

Physical description

Original black and white photograph of the seated invited guests at the dinner celebrating the 100th anniversary of the declaration of Kew as an independent municipality. The point of view is from the south end of the building, looking towards the stage at the north end of the main hall. [Originally both halls could be separated or joined by concertina doors.] On the stage, centre, is from left Mr. W. Birrell [Town Clerk], Cr WHS Dickinson [the Mayor], and The Rt Hon Robert Menzies, MP for Kew and Prime Minister of Australia.

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