Document, Publicity

Historical information

Anonymous notes listing 1959 reviews in The Age, and the Sun, and interviews on Channels 2 and 9. There is no indication of whether these actually eventuated.
00931.2 covers selected extracts in The Age, Country Life, Sydney Morning Herald, and Courier, Ballarat, none of which are exactly fulsome.
00931.3 is a review by someone using the pseudonym "Ache-Day", which is complimentary and typical of the writing style of the times.


Part of the story of how the book 'There goes a Man' came to be created.

Physical description

Handwritten and/or typed notes on publicity and reviews of the Savige biography in 1959. 00931 written in black ink on lined paper torn from a notebook, 00931(2) and 00931(3) black type on fading white paper.

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