Historical information

A report by the Future Requirements Committee dated 11 October 1978. The Committee members were(Chairman): I.W. Anderson, E. Cohen, A.N. Kemsley, L.D. King, J.M. Poulton, R.L. Simmons
The Committee notes that its recommendations would probably be resisted by some Legatees but were necessary to meet the changing needs of dependants. They highlighted cancelling the supply of firewood, cessation in 1978 of the Badge Day appeal in Melbourne and the special Christmas promotion, and the Christmas Garden Party at Government House. Boys and Girls classes to be phased out, and Blamey House and Stanhope residences to be closed in 1979-80, with dental care to cease in 1980. They also recommended that more use should be made of labour available from ALL Legatees, and Legacy staff should be strictly monitored as the changes were brought into effect.


After two World Wars, Melbourne Legacy recognised that the need for their traditional services was changing and they needed to be vigilant about the transparency of their expenditure.

Physical description

5 photocopied foolscap pages - poor quality

Inscriptions & markings

Page 1: 'Copy President from ER' in red ballpoint, 'H53' in blue ball point, 'B' in black.