Card - Dinner Card, RSSILA Wangaratta Sub Branch Centenary Dinner

Historical information

RSSILA Wangaratta Sub Branch Dinner held to celebrate the Centenary of Wangaratta in 1938. Dinner guests included the Chief Commissioner of Police and Mr Holland, State President. Other Centenary events included the unveilling of the King George V Memorial Gardens which were opened by Mr McEwan Minister of the Interior, representing the Prime Minister. John McEwen was born on 29 March 1900 at Chiltern in Victoria, to pharmacist David McEwen and Amy (Porter) McEwen. His mother died after the birth of their second child in 1901, and his father died in 1907. McEwen and his younger sister were raised by their grandmother, Ellen Porter, who ran a boarding house. They lived first at Wangaratta and then moved to Dandenong in 1912. In June and July 1965 he was acting Prime Minister.


Dinner held by Wangaratta Sub Branch to celebrate the Centenary of Wangaratta in 1938.

Physical description

Cream parchment card with embossed border

Inscriptions & markings

R.S.S.I.L.A. Wangaratta Sub Branch Centenary Dinner
St Patrick's Hall Wednesday 19th October 1938 8pm Three Shillings
RSVP Wed., 12th October
F.H. McDonagh President. G. Balcke, Secretary.

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