Historical information

Robyn Mason was a member of the ALP and unsuccessfully contested the seat of Ballarat West in 1996. She was a feminist, teacher and a social worker who fought hard for those affected by sexual abuse and violence. Robyn Mason passed away in 2016. This large collection of photographs was donated after her passing; the collection reflects the vastness of Robyn's contribution to the Ballarat community.

Photographs here include the following persons:

Batchelor, Peter
Beacham, Jenny
Borchers, Betty
Borchers, Norm
Bracks, Steve
Breen, Barry
Brumby, John
Garbutt, Sherryl
Keating, Paul
Knight, Sharon
Laffey, Catherine
Mason, Robyn
Rootes, Jeff
Sheehan, Frank
Thomson, Hedley
Thwaites, John


Politics, government, advocacy, education - Ballarat region.

Physical description
