Historical information

In 1960 the format of newsletters to widows was changing. The editor sent a notice to widows asking for their suggestions. The first newsletter in the new format (30/9/60) contains his editorial expressing disappointment that he had received no replies. There is also a letter stored with the newsletters from a widow sending her observation that the editor had sounded rejected and sends her best wishes. There is also a list of meeting dates for 1960 from 29/3/60. There were so many widows that the meetings were spread over three groups - yellow, green and red - each meeting on a different Wednesday of the month at the Melbourne Town Hall. On the free Wednesday there was a card party for anyone to attend (fee 1/-).
There is a letter for October and November 1960, each of 4 pages, with details of meetings and activities such as the Christmas party.
In November there were calls for nominations for the committee members in 1962. Committee comprised of a President, 2 Vice presidents, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Assistant Secretary and 14 members of the committee.
The first edition in the new format was in 1960, previously there had been a quarterly magazine but the distribution was limited, they changed to a 4 page newsletter format to reach more of the widows.
The newsletter was priced at 2c a copy. The price of theatre tickets was $3.
Various pages of interest have been added to show different news items. Other editions haven't been scanned.


Brings to life the activities provided for the widows and the work of Melbourne Legacy in the 1960s.

Physical description

Black typed newsletter x 3 editions from 1960 and associated notices from 1960.
1960 editions: 30 Sep ; 30 Oct ; 30 Nov