Historical information

This document dated 24 July 1956, with a list of potential donors was compiled when Legacy launched their first public appeal for donations in September 1956. This document asked Legatees to nominate if they had a relationship with any of the firms on the list and if they could approach the firm/person with information about the Special Appeal.
It was in a folder of documents about the history of Legacy. Appears to have been mostly compiled by Legatee Cyril Smith as he has many hand written notes on miscellaneous pieces of paper (some are envelopes addressed to him). The notes were typed up into a summary of the History of Legacy. Also documents relating to the first time Legacy approached the public for donations in September 1956, including newspaper articles that were reprinted, a schedule of information that was approved to be released to the press, and a list of potential donors that was circulated to Legatees in the hope they could contact the ones they knew personally or professionally. The call for public donations was partially due to the purchase of the Dureau building and the need to modify the building for Legacy's needs.
The documents from this folder have been added in seperate records (see 01262 to 01281).
The folder was part of an attempt to capture history of Legacy, generally from the 1950s.


The documents provide an insight into the working of Legacy, especially in the 1950s. Legatee Cyril Smith and others were detailing their experiences and knowledge for the future.

Physical description

Thee foolscap page typed notice to Legatees regarding approaching firms for donations.
