Historical information

Anonymous statement of the author's policy on 'War' and 'Peace', essentially a polemic. Undated but references seem to be to the second World War - 'An all-out effort by every Australian to win the War, both in conjunction with our Allies and by ourselves.' Many of his recommendations would be seen to be outrageous today but were clearly indicative of the times, whilst others revealed a common sense approach - 'To unify Australian railway gauges'.
This particular copy belonged to Legatee J.G. Gillespie, President of Melbourne Legacy in 1938.


An illustration of social beliefs during the second World War.

Physical description

White foolscap paper with black type.

Inscriptions & markings

First page: 'L/ Gillespie' in pencil, 'Forwarded for your information, [illegible initials], 16/2/[illegible]' in pen. 'Box 16 L6/5' in ballpoint.