Historical information

Photos of President Chas Wilks collecting pine cones from the Lone Pine descendant at the Shrine of Remembrance, the 24th Battalion tree. The cones dropped to the ground and school children are seen collecting them.
Legacy has run a programme since the 1970s of propagating saplings taken from seeds of pine descended from a pine tree from Gallipoli and giving them to various clubs, schools and town councils.
The photo appeared in the President's Highlights report in 1989. The caption says '1,000 seedlings from the historic Lone Pine tree near the Shrine of Remembrance will be propagated on behalf of Melbourne Legacy by the Department of Conservation Forests and Lands. Melbourne President Legatee Chas Wilks, along with the Minister for CFL, Ms Kay Setches and pupils from South Yarra Primary School helped to collect the seeds. The trees, once grown will be distributed to schools by Melbourne Legacy.
Also see item at 01334 in 1993 when President Woodward was giving out saplings, it was three years later was when the saplings grown from these seeds were distributed.
Legacy is helping to keep the memory of the Gallipoli "Lone Pine" alive - its spirit living on today. Presentations are made to schools, ex-service organisations and interested bodies by Legacy Clubs in the hope that they will be cherished as a symbol of nationhood and of its just pride, devotion, courage, selflessness and sense of service to others.


A record of the way Legacy was propagating Lone Pine saplings for schools and organisations. The Lone Pine programme show the type of work done by Legatees to keep the memory of Gallipoli and fallen comrades alive.

Physical description

Colour photo x 4 of President Chas Wilks in a crane collecting pine cones at the Shrine and children collecting the cones.

Inscriptions & markings

Handwritten '10' in a circle in blue pen.