Historical information

A photo of Legacy House in the 1950s. Junior Legacy Melbourne purchased 289-299 Swanston Street Melbourne (previously called Red Cross House) in 1956 from the Commonwealth Government with money gifted to Legacy in memory of David H Dureau. The donation was initially used to purchase a different building at 342 Swanston St, which was sold in 1954, and 289 Swanston St was purchased. Melbourne Legacy is still using three floors of the building, with tenants on the ground floor.
It was used in a newspaper article about the acquisition of the building for Legacy. It mentions the purchase price was undisclosed. It says the purchase was possible due to a generous gift of money from overseas in 1944. The building would be called the David H Dureau Memorial Building at the request of the donor. The article has a photo of Governor Sir Dallas Brooks and the Legacy President Bob Gaylard. The notation LH5 in red pen implies it was part of an early archive project by Frank Doolan.


A record of what the Legacy House building looked like when it was acquired by Melbourne Legacy.

Physical description

Black and white photo of Legacy House around the time when it was acquired in 1956 and newspaper reprint of an article about the acquisition marked LH5.

Inscriptions & markings

Stamped on reverse 'Please Acknowledge Australian News and Information Bureau' in purple ink.
Newpaper reprint has LH5 in red pen on top right corner, part of an archive project.