Document, Circular to the Members of The Melbourne Legacy Club and The 'Carry on' Club (H10), 1937

Historical information

This circular was issued to both Legacy Club of Melbourne and The 'Carry On' Club of Melbourne, and signed by presidents: JHB Armstrong for Legacy and WL Sinclair for Carry On. It was after a series of annual conferences between the two clubs and shows an agreement between the clubs on the spheres of work carried out by each club to prevent duplication of effort.
As a general rule, Legacy would concentrate on the care of widows and children of DECEASED servicemen; the 'Carry On' Club would focus on the LIVING ex-servicemen and their dependents. A note was made that the Intermediate Legacy Club was a group formed of sons of deceased soldiers who had progressed through the Junior Legacy Club and now 'interest themselves in the physical well-being of totally and permanently incapacitated ex-servicemen.'
When an ex-serviceman dies leaving dependents the case will be transferred from the Carry On Club to Legacy, with the occasional exception.
Employment: 'Legacy will pass to 'Carry On' the employment opportunities or vacancies that can be filled by ex-servicemen or their dependents in instances were Legacy is unable to fill such vacancies from it's own register' and vice versa.
Welfare: close liaison is important and copies of reports will be transferred when transferring cases.
These resolutions and discussions about them are shown in the minutes of the "Combined Meeting of Members of Legacy and 'Carry On' Clubs held at Legacy Club Rooms on 27 May 1937, which is the second document included here.
Present for Legacy were Legatees Armstrong, Russell, Birrell, Kemsley, Clements. And present for the 'Carry On' Club were Messrs Hall, Pears, Masterson, Neil and Ramsay.
The notation H10 in red pen shows that it was part of the archive project that was trying to capture the history of Legacy.


A record that Legacy was in contact with similar clubs with the intent of sharing the work load and not duplicating effort.

Physical description

Notice to the members of Melbourne Legacy and 'Carry On' clubs 15 October 1937 outlining the agreed spheres of work of each club.

Inscriptions & markings

Handwritten H10 in red pen.

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