Historical information

An alphabetical list of members of Legacy in 1932, with 170 names. The second list has the member name, their membership number, a business address and personal address. One of the few lists found that include the rank of the Legatee. Early in Legacy's creation it was determined that importance was not to be placed on the rank of the Legatee and all were seen as equals.
The notation H16 in red pen shows that it was part of the archive project that was trying to capture the history of Legacy.
Only the first page of the address list has been scanned as an example.


This is one of the first documents that document the early Legacy Club.

Physical description

White foolscap file copy paper with black type x 5 pages of a list of members in 1932 and a file copy list of their phone numbers and addresses.

Inscriptions & markings

Handwritten H16 in red pen. Handwritten '1932' on top right corner in fountain pen.