Historical information
Shell dressings were carried by individual soldiers, intended to be used as a first dressing in event of wounding or injury. Each cloth pack contains dressings comprised of a gauze pad stitched to a bandage and a safety pin. The field dressing was often the first line of treatment and was intended to be applied by the wounded man himself or other soldiers
This dressing is significant as a representative object carried by every soldier in WWII.
Physical description
Bandage covered in light brown cotton casing. Front side has inscription and instructions for use.
Inscriptions & markings
Printed on cotton package containing the Shell Dressing. Inside a lined box.
Commonwealth of Australia/ SHELL DRESSING / To Open /Outer Cover. Tear cover open at top between stitches. / Inner Waterproof Cover. Tear apart at the corner indicated by arrow. / DIRECTION FOR USE -Take the folded ends of/bandage in each hand, and keeping bandage taut, apply the/gauze pad to wound and fix bandages with safety pin./ In the case of head wounds, when respirators have to be worn, care should be taken to adjust the pad so that it / does not interfere with the fit of the face-piece. / DO NOT HANDLE WOUND OR PAD. / under a black line / Johnson & Johnson Pty, Ltd, Sydney/ MARCH 1944
On the reverse an adhesive sticker with the words "Lent by Lance Flynn"