Historical information

Journal written by John Fraser. Fraser's family migrated from Scotland in the 1850s on sailing vessel 'Countess of Cawdor' charted by a group of passengers for travel to Australia. John worked at the Victorian Woollen Mill, Geelong, and kept a diary of sample of cloth, people and happenings in Geelong from 1872. John was aged 6 months and 16 years when he began writing the journal.

Physical description

Book has a black cover which no longer covers all pages due to sample cloth and sheets of paper additionally being stuck into the book, making it too large/thick for the cover.
Book shows signs of age particularly though fragile spine of the book and the discolouration of the internal pages. Book is starting to split at the spine, particularly from the bottom of the spine up and has visible signs of age on the black cover. Spots of missing leather are particularly visible on the front, centre right portion of the cover. Additional spots of missing leather dot the surrounding portions of the front and rear covers of the book.