Historical information

This image was taken on 31 August 1936 on the opening day of sales for the 1936-1937 season. Approximately 300 wool buyers are present. The image belonged to Wilhelm Eckels who worked for 43 years in the wool industry. Wilhelm arrived in Australia from Germany in 1937, and the image taken before his arrival. Over his career, Wilhelm worked for a number of wool buying firms and also had his own business. Some of these businesses failed and he had to move to other firms, it is assumed he took this image with him while leaving one of these companies.

Physical description

Black and white photograph showing approximately 300 wool buyers waiting for the start of the day's bidding at Sydney Wool Sales, 1936.

Inscriptions & markings

Lettering: Opening Day of Sydney Wool Sales Season 1936 - 1937
Hall Studio
20 Hunter Street Sydney