Historical information

A leaflet issued by General William Birdwood to the AIF troops just after the Armistice on 11 November 1918 to end the first world war.
'To the officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the Australian Imperial Force.
It is now just four that we have been serving together, often through days of hardship and peril, and often through times of well-deserved success.
During this time I hope and think we have come to know each other well and I trust we realised how rightly we have confidence in each other.
No words of mine can possibly express all I feel for the magnificent work which has been done by the Australian soldier during these long four years. It is well known and recognised, not only throughout the British Empire, but throughout the world - and now we have peace in sight, and peace after a victory in which the Australian soldier has taken so large a share.
Even then, with peace there are still difficult times before us. Faith in our recent foe cannot quickly be established, and it may be that some little time yet we shall be able to relax no precautions, until we are assured of the complete and honest fulfilment of our terms.
Then will come the difficult time of demobilisation, and it is regarding this that I wish to make a personal appeal to every single member of the AIF in the full confidence that it will be met as every other appeal to face and tackle the strongest positions has ever been met by the Australian solider. Never has the name of Australia stood higher than it does now throughout the world, thanks to the bravery of her soldiers, and it sup to everyone one of us to see that this is maintained, and that no reproach can be cast on the Australian Flag owing to any behaviour of ours.
The time of demobilisation will undoubtedly be difficult and irksome - I fully realise what great personal self-restraint will certainly be required - but if each individual of us makes up his mind to do his best during these times, realising the good name we bear, I feel confident that all will go well.
I want you to remember that everything possible will be done to look after and help the troops during this period, while every energy will be strained to get men back to their homes as soon as this possibly can be done. You will have to realise, however. that there is a great shortage of shipping, and that there must be a considerable inevitable delay.
Play the game, boys, during this time, as you have always done, and add still more to the deep debt of gratitude which will always be acknowledged to you by the Empire and remembered by me as your comrade and commander.
In the field, 14 November 1918.' (Signed) 'W Birdwood'.


A rare example of a notice to troops about the Armistice.

Physical description

A leaflet issued by General Birdwood to AIF troops to commemorate the end of World War 1.