Ballarat Courier - Later Hospital Misc - eg. Building etc
Time Capsule from early 1935, discovered 2003 with demolition of former Wilson Building in Drummond St Nth
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c.1940, TB Chalet for Ballarat Base Hospital
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c.1960, Library for patients, Ballarat Base Hospital, over 6000 books
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c.1970, Official opening of newly remodelled Outpatient Department, Ballarat and District Base Hospital
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Ballarat Base Hospital's North Block (cnr Drummond & Mair Sts), Public Open Day, 22nd March 1992
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1994, Architects Award for Bolte Wing, Ballarat Base Hospital
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Andrew Rowe, CEO, Ballarat Base Hospital
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2002, New, Mair St, entrance to Ballarat Base Hospital Emergency Department
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Yuille House, on Drummond St demolished in 2014, replaced with new building/modern health care, to be completed by Nov. 2016
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