Historical information

The Melbourne Legacy created a widows' visiting group in 1981. Called the "Home and Hospital Visiting Programme". The visiting group was formed of widows who would visit women in hospital or their homes or nursing homes. This photo shows Julie Stewart and Ivy Greening and Edna Boag. The article mentions it was 'difficult to known who was visiting whom as Visits' Co-ordinator Edna Boag and Ivy Greening shared giggles and jokes.' It also mentioned 'many find it easier to discuss personal concerns with another woman and Legatees recognise this.'
These photos are of widows visiting another widows and were featured in newsletters to inform widows of the existence of the group and that there were always friendly faces that could provide a comfort to widows in isolation. It was a part of a professional photo shoot and featured in the Widows' Newsletter in November 1991.


The visiting group was an important function widows performed with their desire to help each other.

Physical description

Colour photo x 2 of widows visiting each other for a cuppa, a proof sheet of photos and an article in the newsletter.

Inscriptions & markings

Proof sheet is marked '911018B' which means 18 October 1991.