Photograph - Widows function, World War 1 Widows Lunch 1992, 1992

Historical information

A special luncheon was held for World War I widows as a lead up to "Legacy Week". Legatees dressed up as moustached French waiters to add a bit of humour to the day. Due to its success it was held for a number of years. Seated with the widows is President Geoff Swan who was president in 1992. Also Sir Weary Dunlop attended. Another photo shows a film crew from SBS recording the event. Legatee Lucky Luscombe is seen serving bowls of food. Also President Swan presenting flowers to Audrey the lady who ran the kitchen.
The WWI group would meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 11 at Legacy House for many years until their numbers dwindled.


A record of the type of activities Legacy provided as a social outlet for the widows.

Physical description

Colour photo x 11 of a World War 1 widows lunch.


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