Historical information

Nino Corda was a Geelong based textile designer who worked at various textile mills between 1957 & 2003. He travelled the world in search of the latest fashions and techniques and developed timeless designs that were much loved by Australians. These items are on rotational display at the National Wool Museum’s ‘In the Factory’ exhibition.
For many years, Nino also worked as part of the Honorary Staff of the National Wool Museum. His passion for the world of textiles provided energy and knowledge to the visitors and staff of the museum. Although Nino has now retired from his honorary position and has hung up his Australian Tartan vest, these items will continue to serve the community in sharing the stories of Australian Textile design.
Textile designers used viewing lenses such as this to see how many threads are within a textile sample. It was important to count correctly, otherwise the enlarged final pattern would be out of alignment.
Before compact lenses such as this, specialised glasses were used such as 8039.

Physical description

The viewing lens has a 3 fold design in order to fold up to be compact and easily transportable in a pocket while also working to provide its own stand when unfolded. The lens is black and contains one circular piece of magnifying glass on the top panel.

Inscriptions & markings

Top panel. Words, scratched.